Marianna Makarova - artist, graduated from the Textile Academy named after Kosygin in 2005, Faculty of Applied Arts, as well as from Art Lyceum in 2000 (Department "Artist of Miniature Painting"). Founder of the Russian school of Botanical botanical bas-relief. Member of the . Laureate of the 2018 Russian Art Week award. Author and curator of the exhibition "Stop the Moment" (2020) in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Apothecary Garden". Participant of the II exhibition Tryn * Trava (2020). Like any creative person, Marianna is in constant search of new directions and materials. When she starts her next work, she always remembers the main rule: "The best artist is NATURE."
Nature is perfect and only she herself can repeat this fleeting beauty, fading and blossoming again. A botanical bas-relief is a work done in tandem with nature, giving a unique opportunity to “freeze the moment”. This method is developed from the old traditions and techniques of the early botanists: using the surface of a natural object as a seal of nature. Even Leonardo da Vinci described a similar process in his CODICE ATLANTICO 1508, illustrated with the “seal of the wise leaf”.
Today, in our era of gadgets and the rhythm of the megapolis, the theme of botany is especially attractive. It gives the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature, to relax with mind and soul, to become closer to it, because this is what we all need. Plant motifs depicted on plaster panels reflect the structure of each flower and blade of grass, attracts the eye again and again.
The artist herself says about works: “The magical power of herbs and plants has been reflected in Slavic culture since ancient times. We often use plants as amulets, we know their medicinal properties, but we value them not for their external beauty. Botanical bas-relief is a bridge between science and art. Herbalism and decor are merged into a single piece. My works bring the modern viewer closer to nature, convey its pristine beauty. The artistic casting technique is deceptively simple and is borrowed from the Roman medalists. The materials I work with: plaster, porcelain, engobe, watercolor. In my works I use different compositional solutions: from simple to complex, consisting of several panels."